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This section contains information about the GnuPG (aka GPG), the OpenPGP stack that it's based on, and it's gpg CLI tool. GnuPG is primarily used for signing my git commit messages and encrypting passwords using pass.


GnuPG (GNU Privacy Guard) is an open-source tool which implements OpenPGP (open source PGP) and provides a suite of crytographic operations for encrypting data at rest and in motion. It accomplishes this through a combination of symmetric and assymetric encrpytion. In short, encryption of a payload is typically done using a symmetric algorithm (i.e. AES) using a randomly generated session key. The session key is then encrypted using an assymetric algorithm (i.e. RSA). A receiving party would first decrypt the session key and then the payload using the decrypted session key.

GnuPG has the concept of keyrings. A keyring usually consists of a primary key and one or more associated subkeys. Cross-signing is implemented between a primary key and a dependent subkey to prove the relationship. Subkeys are typically (but not always) segregated by their functionality. Four functionalities are available:

  1. Encryption
  2. Signing
  3. Certification
  4. Authorization

A secure setup typically involves an offline primary key which has the certification functionaltiy enabled and signs three subkeys for covering the remaining functionalities (although the last is usually only used for SSH).


The infrastructure I utilize in my development environment is slightly complicated to fully understand, however, this comes with the benefit that it is very secure. This section details the architecture used.

Offline Primary Key

My primary PGP key is completely air-gapped and never touches a system which has network access capabilities. This is accomplished by using a Raspberry Pi which has had the Wifi/Bluetooth hardware disabled. The key is generated in a fresh NixOS environment and is immediately backed up to an encrypted USB drive. All future operations that need the primary key will happen in the dedicated environment provided by the RPi.

Secure Backups

A hardware encrypted USB storage device is used for securely holding the the primary key backup, subkey backups, and the revocation certificate. A single partition on the hardware encryped USB storage device is LUKS encrypted before any backups are moved to it. This requires three separate passphrases to access the primary key:

  1. The passphrase that must be physically entered to unlock the USB device
  2. The passphrase that is protecting the encrypted partition
  3. The passphrase that is protecting the primary key itself

The public key is backed up to a second NTFS partition which is not encrypted and can be mounted to my development machine for importing the public key.


During generation, three subkeys are created for signing, encrypting, and authentication. These subkeys are eventually transferred to one or more Yubikeys using the smart card interface provided by Yubikey. Actual signing and encryption operations happen using the subkeys which are automatically renewed and/or rotated every year. Since the Yubikeys are configured in the offline environment, the subkeys are also completely air gapped and are only accessible through interacting with the Yubikey over the smart card interface (meaning, they are protected by a pin).