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This sections serves as a reference for the general architecture used to create my daily development environment. It contains a high-level overview of the core components; for more detailed descriptions please see the associated entry in the index.


The primary architecture consists of three tools:

  1. Nix
  2. Homebrew
  3. Chezmoi

Combined together, they allow (mostly) restoring my development environment to a consistent state. Additionally, they are self-documenting through their various configuration files and allow me to easily document the tools I use in my day-to-day work.


Nix is a package management system which claims to make reproducible and declarative systems through it's unique functional approach to package management. It is, to say the least, a very polarizing tool with evangelists seemingly on both sides of it. Below is a very opionated summary of the debate:

  • Pros
  • Allows creating (mostly) reproducible environments
  • Can make system-wide user environments or individual shell environments
  • Has rich support for dependency management
  • Is (mostly) well-documented
  • Cons
  • Not even remotely beginner friendly
  • The Nix language is functional and can be very off-putting
  • Tends to be very fragile
  • Inner-workings can be magical and not documented very well

Nix History

I successfully avoided Nix for many years and, like most Mac users, relied on the trusty brew package manager for all of my needs. However, throughout those years, there were many times where I came up against certain situations in which I recognized the superiority Nix would have had in managing it. The brew package manager in particular can suffer from dependency-hell since by default everything is installed globally (i.e. I hope Python 3.10 works for all of my installed packages).

Taking the above into account, Nix ended up falling nearly 50-50 when I applied my guidelines to it, which is a major reason it sat on the backburner for so long. However, due to its continued maturity and my desire to have a well-maintained, reproducible environment, it eventually won me over and I (mostly) moved away from brew.

Nix Utility

Nix serves as the primary package management tool on my MacBook. It utilizes nix-darwin to create an isolated environment for handling global packages. The result is that most of the tooling is documented in the ~/.nixpkgs/darwin-configuration.nix file.

The above is what enables reproducibility for my environment. Since the aforementioned file is revision controlled, restoring my tools to a predictable state is as simple as fetching the configuration file from git and running darwin-rebuild switch.

In addition to system-wide configuration, per-environment configuration is provided through the use of nix shell. In particular, most of my repositories include a flake.nix file which defines the dependencies required to hack on each individual project. This primarily replaces the need for tools like nvm or pyenv since Nix will automatically handle pulling down the right binaries dependening on what the project requires. This is by far the shining feature of Nix to me and is what primarily won me over in switching to it.

For reference material and guides, see Nix.


The Homebrew package manager hardly needs an introduction as it's almost ubiquitous with Mac package management. It's a mature and widely used package manager written in Ruby which has a vast ecosystem of "formulas" for installing common software. In particular, brew can handle both traditional CLI tools as well as graphical applications (known as casks).

Homebrew Utility

The brew package manager compliments Nix by handling the manageemnt of graphical applications in my environment. This is a task that Nix isn't capable of handling and is why I still find the need for brew on my system.

Reproducibility is acheived by using the bundle feature of brew. A ~/.brew file contains all of the graphical user applications expected to be on a system and they can be easily installed via brew bundle install. This configuration file, like the nix-darwin counterpart, is revision controlled and can be pulled down and executed to bring things to a predictable state.


Chezmoi is a tool for handling version controlling of the various "dotfiles" that often sit at the root of a user's home directory. Since these dotfiles are often responsible for customizing the user experience across various software and can end up being highly customized, Chezmoi finds its use in revision controlling them and allowing easily importing of them to almost any system.

Chezmoi Utility

Chezmoi serves as the gatekeeper of my personal dotfiles. Edits to dotfiles are made using chezmoi edit and any changes are committed and pushed up to a public Github repository.

In particular, Chezmoi is responsible for making the boostrapping process of bringing a new system into a predictable state much easier. Essentially, once Nix is installed a new shell can be executed with the chezmoi binary available and then all of my dotfiles can be pulled down onto the system from the remote Github repository. Once the dotfiles are present, nix-darwin and brew can both apply their respective configurations to install all of my tooling on the system.

As mentioned above, Chezmoi also ensures the hard work I've put into customizing my dotfiles is not lost and can be predictably applied to other systems I may find myself using (or recovering my MacBook in case of emergencies).