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Performance Analysis

Performance analysis can be broken down into two categories: resource analysis and workload analysis.

Resource Analysis

Resource analysis can be considered the bottom-up approach where analysis begins at the physical (hardware) levels and travels upward. It is most often used in troubleshooting to pinpoint problem resources and also in capacity planning to determine which resources are most likely to be contested.

The following metrics are most often measured when doing resource analysis:

  • IOPS
  • Throughput
  • Saturation
  • Utilization

Workload Analysis

Workload anaylsis can be considered the top-down approach where analysis begins at the software level and travels downward. It is most often used to identify and resolve software related bugs and issues.

The following metrics are most often measued when doing workload analysis:

  • Requests (the workload applied)
  • Latency (the response time of the application)
  • Completion (looking for errors)