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Cisco CLI

Cisco provides a common CLI interface for devices running their proprietary Internetwork Operating System (IOS). While the various commands contained within the CLI environment are too many to document effectively, understanding the basic structure of the CLI interface can help move around more smoothly.

CLI Modes

The CLI interface contains three primary modes. The first two are executive modes, meaning they only contain commands that interact with the device but do not make configuration changes. The last one, however, allows running commands which can change the running configuration of a device.

User mode

This is the default exec mode that you will typically be dropped into when you connect to an IOS device. This mode is considered safe in that it only allows viewing the status of the switch and does not allow an individual to make any disruptive changes to the device state. It's denoted by a > character after the hostname.

Privileged mode

Identical to the user mode, except that certain additional commands are made available for execution. These commands can typically be disrupted, like the reload command which will cause IOS to reboot. It's denoted by a # character after the hostname.

Command Description
enable Enables privilged mode
disable Disables privilged mode

Configuration mode

This is the only mode which allows running commands which can directly change the running configuration of the IOS device. It's typically structured with several sub-modes which control configuring specific aspects of the device.

!!! note While in configuration mode, commands that typically run in execution mode are not available unless the command is prefixed with the do keyword. For example: do show running-config.

Command Description
configure terminal Enters configuration mode
exit or CTRL+Z Exits configuration mode


As noted above, it's impossible to memorize the vast number of commands you'll run into on the various IOS devices. In order to quickly recall commands, you can use the ? operator:

switch> show ?

The below table documents common usages of this operator:

Example Description
? List all possible commands in the current context
<command> ? List all possible subcommnads of the given command
sh? List all possible completions of the partially given command name


Production environments should take care to secure access to the CLI. There are various methods of doing this, the below sections cover common ones.

Securing privileged mode

A shared password can be set to secure privileged access (the enable command):

switch> enable secret mypassword123

!!! warning The enable password command is still accessible in most IOS versions and should not be used. It stores the password in plain-text and can be extracted by simply examining the current running configuration.

Securing local console access

The default configuration of an IOS device does not block access to the local console port on the device. To force a user to use a shared password when connecting locally to a device:

switch> line con 0
switch> login
switch> password mypassword123

Enabling SSH access

SSH is not enabled by default and some devices do not have the cryptographic methods needed for handling SSH connections. However, it is the most preferred method for connections since it's encrypted by default. To enable SSH on a device:

switch (config)# hostname sw1
sw1 (config)# ip domain-name
sw1 (config)# crypto key generate rsa
sw1 (config)# ip ssh version 2

Then, follow the steps to secure with local user accounts.

!!! warning By default, setting login local on vty lines 0-15 will enable both SSH and telnet access. It's recommended to explicitely disable telnet access by only allowing SSH connections:

sw1 (config)# line vty 0 15
sw1 (config-line)# transport input ssh

Enabling telnet access

Telnet is not enabled by default. To enable it and require a password, use the following:

switch (config)# line vty 0 15
switch (config-line)# login
switch (config-line)# password mypassword123

Securing with user accounts

As an alternative to shared passwords, local user accounts can be created on each IOS device which can then be used at login time:

switch (config)# username myusername secret mypassword123

Once configured, use login local in the console/telnet configuration sections to enable local account login (see above section).

Common Configurations

The below are some common configuration values that can be set which tend to improve the CLI experience on IOS devices.

Enable synchronous logging

switch (config)# line console 0
switch (config-line)# logging synchronous

Disable logout timer

switch (config)# line console 0
switch (config-line)# exec-timeout 0 0

Increase history buffer size

switch (config)# line console 0
switch (config-line)# history size 20